A Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small – Review by Kerry Carr

A Dress To Remember: A Fairy TaleA Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. It is a moving story about a young princess who is always selfish and how she changes by the experiences she has. The author does an amazing job of creating this story and our princess.
Princess Zarina is very head strong and as the youngest child she is used to getting things her own way but this isn’t a good thing as she has grown up to become selfish, only concerned about herself.
When she get a dress made for a ball being held in her honour, the dress isn’t all that it seems. It’s magical and the stories it unravels will teach this princess that by helping and thinking of others it will make her a better person.
What happens once she is in the dress turns into an adventure as she matures and finds herself. There is danger, loss, unexpected reunions and a snake in the grass determined to destroy the Kingdom.

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