Destiny of Light (Quirk of Destiny Book 3) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Kerry Carr

Destiny of Light (Quirk of Destiny, #3)Destiny of Light by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third and final book in the Quirk of Destiny Trilogy. This story has been a great read from the first book to the last. The author writes in a way that makes the events of the story scarily realistic which as a reader definately makes you worry and think about what you would do if you were in this situation.
In this story we have Genies who are evil trying to destroy the world, the Elites who have magical powers and the remaining human survivors trying to survive day to day.
I would definately recommend reading these books in order to fully appreciate the story. This final installment is just as action packed as the other two with everyone fighting for survival. There is a strong theme of good vs evil running through this story and we finally get to understand who the Elite people are and what role they played in the contamination to the world’s food supply.
As Calum and the fellow survivors try to find other people like themselves they have barriers placed in their way from both the Elite( powerful and evil people) and the Genies (people who were changed by the modified and corrupted food) neither of which want him to succeed. With so much loss that has happened in this post apocalyptic world can Calum and his fellow survivors continue to survive or will it just been too much for them as the Elite and Genies get stronger.

This story is action packed and full of danger. Can Calum and his friends uncover the conspiracies and stop the world being destroyed even more or are the powers they are against just too strong for them to overcome.
This is a great read which really gets you thinking about our currently life’s and how easy it would be to fall into a similar situation that Calum and his friends are in if the powers that be become too powerful for their own good.

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