Frozen By Lies (Sleigh Riders Book 1) by Martha Sweeney – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Frozen By Lies (Sleigh Riders Book 1)Frozen By Lies by Martha Sweeney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Frozen by Lies is the first book in the Sleigh Riders Series. It is a paranormal supernatural fantasy that takes place in a remote mountain community that is kept isolated from other communities. The story centers around twenty-six-year-old Noelle Frost who works at the Blades Bar. Noelle is a bit of an introvert who is unfamiliar with the ways of the world. She is heavily protected by her family who is insistent that she is not to date. When a good looking stranger named Nikolaus Klaus arrives in the bar Noelle finds herself instantly attracted to him.

Nikolaus also finds himself attracted to Noelle, but her family is adamant that she has nothing to do with this man. They are suspicious of this stranger and become very angry at Noelle and forbid her from having anything to do with him. The Frost Clan and Klaus Clan are rivals and have been for as far back as anyone can recall. The problem is that nobody can answer the question of why these two clans are rivals. Regardless of the reasons relationships between them is unheard of and the thought of Noelle with a member of the Klaus Clan angers her family. Ignoring her family’s wishes, Noelle and Nikolaus find a way to meet secretly. What will happen when their families find out? Is their relationship doomed to fail?

The author did a great job of describing scenes and building the worlds of the rival biker clans in their respective communities. The description of the celebration of Christmas is vivid without being overwhelming. The reader is able to experience Christmas through Noelle as she sees it for the first time. The characters are ones that you either love or hate. Or love to hate, as in the case of Noelle’s family. Her cousins were overbearing and domineering as they tried to assert control over her. Although this seems odd there is clearly reasons behind their protectiveness. As the storyline unfolded Noelle was slowly starting to discover secrets about her family and I am certain there are some big revelations coming in the next book that will explain this.

Noelle was clearly an introvert that wanted to explore the world more and see what was out there. However, after leading such a sheltered life she was unsure how to go about this. She snuck out whenever she could but if she was gone any length of time, it would alarm her family and they would try to control her every move. When she met Nikolaus she stepped out of her comfort zone and was introduced to things she had not seen or known about. Being naïve and unfamiliar with relationships Noelle tried to flirt with Nikolaus through witty banter.

Although the dialogue and banter seem to come across as a bit childish I cannot help but feel that the author has done this intentionally. The worlds of Nikolaus and Noelle are in a magical realm with supernatural elements. This realm has an innocence to it that is almost childlike. The witty banter will naturally not come across as worldly to anyone from outside this magical realm. It is meant to be unsophisticated and innocent.

I found this book to be an interesting take on Christmas and the magical aspect surrounding it. Rival biker clans, magical powers, and deep dark family secrets added a sense of suspense and mystery to it that leaves you wanting to read more. The supernatural aspects and the magical gifts that the Frost and Klaus Clans have was an interesting element that added a twist to the story. I will be reading book two to see where this story goes and what farther secrets Noelle uncovers about her family.

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