Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Juls Dick

Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8)Breach of Trust by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Breach of Trust is the 8th book in the Madeline Dawkins series by Cynthia Hamilton and it does not disappoint. I have really enjoyed all the books in this series so far, the author consistently comes up with engaging and enjoyable stories. In this book the team at MDPI have 3 cases on the go; a messy divorce with an abusive husband, who reminds Madeline a lot of her own experiences; a missing daughter who had left to join a cult; and a poison pen who is terrorising the residents of the facility where Madeline’s father, Mack, has moved into. I love how the suspense builds throughout the book and that each story gets its fair share of attention. A definite page turner.

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