Non-Verbal by Molly Zenk – Review by Julie Johnson

NonVerbalNonVerbal by Molly Zenk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a beautifully written book about the life of Emerson and her parents. Emerson lost her words at 15 months of age when diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This book chronicles the challenges and victories that she has, along with those around her.

This book had me experiencing a variety of emotions at any given time. As a parent of a young adult with ASD, I could recognize many of these factors that Emerson is going through. It’s difficult to understand ASD at all but for those experiencing it, it’s scary.

I hope and pray that this book can be used to inspire others who are on this journey to never give up on themselves or their loved ones. This ultimately is a story of triumph but shows the scars (literal and figurative) earned along the way.

This book is recommended for young adults with ASD and I agree but would also recommend it for parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, and friends of anyone with ASD.

View all my reviews

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