Afflicted Love (Rhythm & Heart Series) by Autumn Sand – Review by Tori Mitton

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Afflicted Love” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Afflicted Love</a> by <a href=””>Autumn Sand</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Kyle and Lyle are brothers in a sense. Kyle moved in with Lyle when they were young kids. Kyle took all the lashings from their dad growing up so it would never happen to Lyle. Kyle was the protector. As they grew up, they fell apart. Kyle joined a band, traveled all over. While Lyle ended up getting engaged to a woman because that’s what he thought was right. Lyle gets a phone call their father has passed away, so he goes to the club where Kyle’s band is playing. They end up traveling together to get all the family stuff taken care of. And this is where Lyle finds himself that he is in love with Kyle, maybe always has been.<br />This is an absolute must read! But let me just say the cliff hanger…I need more!!
<a href=””>View all my reviews</a>

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