Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Darian Vester

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wasn’t sure about the book at the beginning. I don’t want to say books need to stick to formal writing but there were many short, fragment sentences making it hard to imagine this story. Things became a little whimsical, and the story reminded me a little of Alice in Wonderland. I thought the story was supposed to be suspenseful but it wasn’t, things happened pretty fast and I would expect this to at least take more than 10 hours. Our main character comes to terms with her past, and I’m glad she finally apologized to the motel owners. The author includes questions at the end of the story for readers which I found interesting and I like they get you thinking about the ethics of things.

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