Corpse Pixie by Sinister Styx – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Corpse PixieCorpse Pixie by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rene has spent the last three years wallowing in grief over the loss of his twin sister, Cerise. He spends most of his time wallowing in self pity, drinking away his sorrows, and popping pills in an effort to forget his pain. For three years Rene has been trying to find the person who murdered his sister by visiting other crime scenes that appear to be murders similar to those of his sister. When he visits a murder scene where the body has been laid out with flowers and a circle of bones it feels as though somebody cared for the deceased person. Rene cannot help but feel as though something is different and senses another presence watching him. When he looks over, he catches a quick glimpse of someone with violet-colored eyes, but she disappears as fast as he saw it. Once Rene returns home, he continues to feel the presence and catches fleeting glimpses of an otherworldly female. He feels as though he is slowly losing his grip on reality and starts to question his own sanity.

Belladonna has been hiding in the forest and acting as a recluse for years where she can feel at peace with nature. Her life was a quiet one until humans entered her forest and desecrated the body, she had laid out so peacefully as a way to honor the deceased person. The humans came and carelessly tossed the bones into a bag and destroyed the shrine she had so lovingly created. When Belladonna sees Rene at the crime scene, she senses his grief and knows that he is different from the other humans. She feels as though they are kindred spirits because he has sensed deep loss and becomes obsessed with Rene. Belladonna decides that Rene will be the one to avenge her people and follows him home. She pops in and out and shows glimpses of herself, making her presence known to Rene until the time is right and she is ready to make him hers.

This was another delightfully sinister and dark novella by this brilliant and talented author. Albeit a brief read it packs a lot of punch and is beautifully written. The storyline is chocked full of suspense, danger, intrigue, murder, mayhem, pixies, magic, and the desire to seek revenge. The characters of Belladonna and Rene are engaging and intriguing. Both have a desire to help the murdered women but have their own ways of doing so. Rene is a shell of his former self after his twin sister was murdered. He has been slowly killing himself with booze and pills and has become obsessed with fining his sister’s killer. Belladonna senses his grief and becomes obsessed with making him hers. Rene and Belladonna do seem drawn to one another and have a connection. As their connection grows the two of them work together to try to find out who is murdering these women and dumping their bodies. I highly recommend this dark paranormal romance.

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