Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Jenni Bishop

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley

4.5 stars
Fireflies is exactly what its title infers a provocative erotic poly MMF tale. It is a part of The Physical Collection which is a series of sexy evocative standalones. It is a twisty and beautiful story of love but not in the conventional sense for some.
A.R. Hadley is a new author to be but if this book is any indication of her writing, then I will certainly be seeking out more of her work. Her narrative is simplistic in its telling but absolutely enticing and engrossing.
It is a sensually erotic tale and I love that it has some dark and gritty elements that gives just that little bit more. There are complicated entanglements, lots of steam, emotions, drama and passion.
Dane and Mike’s relationship is not perfect, but it works for them until now. They have depth, imperfections and flaws. They have desires, wants and needs. Is their relationship strong enough to allow others in?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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