Hope and Lies (The Abredea Series Book 1) by C.H. Lyn – Review by Shelly Kittell

Hope and LiesHope and Lies by C.H. Lyn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this story to be amazing. The writing is such that I dove in. My family wondered if I was ever going to put my phone down. I love dystopian fiction and have since Hunger Games came out. The characters are all so beautifully written. They all have such unique personalities and just mesh so nicely into the story. The length of the book just didn’t matter to me. I devoured it in no time at all. I found it just sneaks a hand right out at the beginning and grabs you right in from the start. I would love to give you a favorite part but this is one book that I truly loved it all. A definite 5 star. If you love dystopian fiction, this is a must read.

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