Twisted Bond by Danielle Jacks – Review by Ayla Phipps

Twisted BondTwisted Bond by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Speechless. This is the first book I have read by the talented Danielle Jacks, and I’m hooked. While the cover is certainly eye catching the synopsis is truly what pulled at my curiosity. Told from the dual perspective of Rose and Titan, the author takes the reader on the love story adventure you never knew you needed.
Rose is part of the Wolfbane coven, the moonstone that was the source of their magic was stolen long ago by the Dutchmen coven. Titan is the prince and next ruler of the Dutchmen coven. With a somewhat of a slow start the book opens with Rose and four other potential suitors arriving in the Dutchmen realm as the prince has come of age and needs a wife. Titan is instantly drawn to Rose; her look and her rougher ways reveal that she is not the noblewoman she is portraying to be. The other women quickly notice the prince’s interest in Rose and when given the chance to help her leave one takes it only for it to backfire. Getting a chance at completing her mission Rose succeeds but at what cost. They both have an infatuation with each other, he is determined to keep her as his and only his while she desires to be his she has a duty to her people and her older sister. The twisted bond between the Rose and Titan is threaded between love and hate, mixed with raw attraction. Blood spilled on both sides, futures reclaimed as their own, and a connection that leaves them confused but eyes only set on one another.
Can they escape the fates of the curse that bonds their families together? Are their feelings for each other real? In a world at war, and the smoke finally settles can love win? The world the author creates is a fairy tale that comes crashing down, the reality of actions long past leaving the descendants to pick up the broken pieces. Rose is one of the most amazing characters I have ever read about, her spunk and determination but also her heart and loyalty. She sacrifices so much in hopes of doing the right thing and at the end of the day she finally realizes that her greatest desire is to do what truly makes her happy without fear of how others will see her. Titan, while in the beginning seems like he will be the ultimate villain of the story ends up being just as interesting as Rose, his growth and development becoming worthy of Rose’s affections. Whilst on the edge of my seat the ending left me feeling satisfied and hungry for my next read by this amazing author. The perfect read on a rainy Monday.

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