Brutal Days (Hidden Valley Elite Book 3) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Brutal Days (Hidden Valley Elite #3)Brutal Days by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I couldn’t wait to read Damon’s story and what a ride this first part was!
We met Skylar in Cole and Riley’s books but now we get to know her and how she finds herself in the crosshairs of Damon.

I have to say while Damon is a bit of a jerk in the other books, which I understand, he’s a softy underneath and guards himself. While I don’t agree with the deal he and Skylar have made behind her friends back, as all secrets come to light sooner or later whether you have control over it or not.

This cliffhanger was not what I was expecting at all and I can’t wait to dive into the next one and im sure it’ll be pretty explosive with how this ended.

View all my reviews

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