Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite Book 4) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Shea Gilkerson 6/22/23

Brutal Nights (Hidden Valley Elite #4)Brutal Nights by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, Gia. I spent so much of this book angry at her, regardless of her list and her high school dreams of “success”. Skylar and Damon have been discovered, and Gia is pissed. She has managed to stay popular despite Damon not being with her, and she uses her newfound popularity to be absolutely awful to Skylar.

Sky has decided the only way to right her wrongs is to stay completely away from Damon and take what Gia dishes out. Damon has no desire to stay away from Skylar at all, and approaches it the way he approaches everything. How will it end for Skylar and Damon? WILL it end, or will they continue to be drawn to one another?

Damon matures greatly in this story, and it was really a pleasure to see. The fight he puts in for things to be the way they should be has him digging deep into what he really wants.

Skylar is making herself miserable, but doesn’t want to buckle. She fights Damon as hard as ever, as he fights back. They make jabs at one another, barely restraining their attraction. This was such a good read!

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