Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Angela Shirley

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mike and Dane have been together for years, always looking for the perfect relationship. As a bisexual couple, Dane wanting to start a family and bring something fresh to the relationship discusses to bring a female into the couple and become a Polyamorous relationship.

As they search for the perfect fit, each man goes through a journey of discovery and in the end will this strength or destroy the bonds they have within their relationship.

This is the first book I have read by this author, and this is not my usual genre, but I was curious regarding the subject matter and decided to give the story ago. At the beginning you see the love these two people have for each other but as they discover the female and then females to bring into the relationship the story flows with the internal fears and hopes of each of the characters.

The subject matter is delivered brilliantly and brings you into the world without judgement but pure respect for the strength of love and committed, although there are drama and emotions do run high it is a well told story. Although this is the third book in the series, I did not feel that it took away from the story, not reading the other two books.

Thank you for opening my mind to a subject I had little knowledge on and I hope to read more in the future.

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