Fireflies (The Physical Collection) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Barbara Bohls

Fireflies (The Physical Collection)Fireflies by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book really deals with adult situations and what happens when couples think their relationship isn’t meeting all their needs. a M/M couple wants to expand on their family or have one for that matter. This means opening the doors to situations or ideas that could possibly hurt their relationship or make it stronger. I haven’t read a lot of M/M/F books before so with that said, I feel that this books approaches the subject matter in a safe and educating way. I feel that the author was able to take this relationship and not only make a great story but also inform the readers in something that not everyone is well versed in. That is a true talent. I read this book quickly because I became emotionally invested in what was happening with the couple and how things were going to end. I recommend reading this not in public because the steam is off the charts and made me blush a bunch!!
Enjoy a new world or an existing one.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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