Lap Baby by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Shannen Kern

Lap Baby: Emotional Women's FictionLap Baby: Emotional Women’s Fiction by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked this book up because the cover was gorgeous, and the name intrigued me. After reading the synopsis I knew I would love this book, and I was right. This was such an emotional rollercoaster and took turns that I wasn’t expecting at all. I definitely sat on the edge of my seat throughout this entire book. My heart broke, I cried, I yelled, and I smiled along as each person told their perspective of that tragic day. I don’t want to give any important details away, so I will just say that you should definitely give this one a chance. You won’t regret letting it touch your heart and give you a new way to look at events in your life. I highly recommend this book!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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