People Safari by Feather Chelle – Review by Gabrielle

People SafariPeople Safari by Feather Chelle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this short and fun look at humans from an animal’s perspective. A family of deer are guided on a tour of a human town by a racoon. They get to see many of the differences between humans and animals and the way they live. This is a cute story that people of all ages will enjoy. While visiting the humans can be fun the young deer also finds out just how unnerving it can be. This is a cute read that gives readers a look at how animals might interpret the way we live. The deer family has some good questions and the pictures are fun and invite discussions. This story is an easy way to start a discussion with young children. The descriptions that the racoon uses to explain the way humans live are very entertaining and will bring a smile to everyone.

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