Twisted Eros (Modern Mythica Book 1) by Aria Skylar – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Twisted Eros (Modern Mythica Book 1)Twisted Eros by Aria Skylar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I started reading this, I didn’t realise it was the start of a series with modern tellings of ‘myths’. Now I know, I’ll be keeping my eye out for the others, I love a good retelling.

This follows Kay’s journey of learning to let go and betrayal and Erik coming to terms with who he is. I enjoyed how their chosen names reflected the Greek ‘myths,’ it was a nice touch for the modern aspect.

I enjoyed the author’s writing style; it was easy to follow and clear. The dialogue was believable, and I felt for the turmoil Kay and Erik must have been feeling.

I look forward to more works by this author.

View all my reviews

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