Twisted Proposal (Central Florida Stories Book 3) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Angela Shirley

Twisted Proposal (Central Florida Stories)Twisted Proposal by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ethan Ashford is an enigma, coming from money he has the world open to him, but as a private person he likes to play in private, with his friends they created a world where people can come and play. In a community of Million-dollar houses sits the Nexus club, on the outside a mansion and on the inside a world of BDSM and role play.

Although one night his father asks him to attend a Gala on his behalf, Ethan is not prepared for what is going to happen, there at the bar is his arch nemesis the one woman who he detests and will break, but once getting closer to her he discovers he has made a mistake and it is a relation. Ethan then hatches a plan to seek revenge on the innocent Siena, but when he is inflicting his plan, he does not imagine that she will crawl under his skin and plant herself in his heart.

Siena is just looking for investors when her cousin Joyce invested some money, she was hoping the other half would come from her brother but when she finds out he is broke and owes people monies she is doomed until he walks in and offers a proposition to solve all her problems but the only thing is can she give herself fully to Ethan and become his sub for money.

Ethan has popped up in the other books along the way and I am so glad you get to see him in his full story. Ethan to me has always been coasting along the way not really finding that someone he can totally open to, but seeing how the relationship between the two of them grows from Enemies to lovers is lovely to read. The overall struggle of Ethan in the end to try and reconcile the way he wanted to use her to then understand the feelings for her was brilliant.

I really can’t wait to read the next book.

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