Twisted Proposal (Central Florida Stories Book 3) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Tausha Treadway

Twisted Proposal (Central Florida Stories)Twisted Proposal by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Twisted Proposal (Central Florida Stories Book 3) by Victoria Saccenti. This is a super steamy series about a dominant and a submissive. Ethan has been left humiliated and defeated by a woman named Joyce so he has decided he wants nothing but revenge. When he meets Siena, Joyce’s cousin, he decides to use her to get back at Joyce. Siena is nothing but a victim in this whole thing. Siena needs a investor to get her fashion design brand out there. Her cousin Joyce invested a small amount and she is sad to see that only Ethan agrees to invest in her company but with his conditions. When she finds out her brother Bart, her last hope, is in major debt and owes the mob she realizes Ethan is the only choice she has. Once they begin to spend time together Ethan begins to realize that this is far more than revenge. A real person with feelings and feelings he actually cares about now exists. Ethan and Siena both teach each other a lot about all kinds of things the bedroom being one of them. This story is full of lust, greed, family betrayal and humiliation. You will keep flipping the pages late in the night.

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