Forbidden Blood (The Shadow Chronicles Book) by C.R. Robertson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Forbidden Blood (The Shadow Chronicles Book 4)Forbidden Blood by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kimber is a young vampire with a damaged past, she has been used by others for their gain for most of her life and her gifts have now become more of a curse to her, but because of this, she is treated like a fragile ornament and her family do everything that they can to protect her, but all Kimber wants is to be left alone. From being a youngster, her gifts have been hidden away from fear of what their discovery might mean, but it just meant that when she was conscripted into the vampire military, she had no experience of controlling them and her family’s worst fear became a reality when her coven leader used it to his advantage.

Fabian is a Watcher, a shaman entrusted with keeping the balance between the worlds and documenting all the comings and goings of both the human and supernatural beings within it, but all that changes when he comes across a vulnerable, pink haired young woman. For generations his kind have lived hidden from the world and drawn deeply from the magical wells of their realm, they have witnessed creation, separation and destruction during that time and vowed not to interfere in the Earth realm, however, the boundaries they have been protecting are crumbling and the problem is worse than they feared, they now have to make a decision about whether they can remain on the side lines.

Kimber is desperate to go outside and one day, she just does, she goes running off into the woods and escapes from her suffocating life, but her life changes when she meets another from a magical race she had never heard of rescues her from the hellspawn who attack her and when Fabian does this, he makes a choice which could change everything and everyone involved. Can Fabian bring out the strength he knows lies deep within Kimber so that she can finally use her gifts her own way and do the good she has always dreamed of and will it lead to the magical communities being brought together to fight this unearthly and evil creation? This is a fantasy adventure with a romantic heart, where secrets, revelations and discoveries lead to choices and consequences which lead to a make or break point in a war which has been waging for eons, as this rollercoaster of a ride takes you along all the highs and lows within it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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