Love Bites More ( The Darkness and Light Duology, and the Love Bites World ) by T.L. Clark – Review by Caralee Loonat

Love Bites MoreLove Bites More by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am just in seventh heaven as this is one of my most favorite authors. I love paranormal romances and this did not disappoint. I really like the way the author is able to build a world and bring the characters to life. I really felt as though I was right in the middle of the action. There was also a great balance of drama and adventure mixed in with the romance. As I have said before this is one of my most favorite genres. I really like how there was a sort of forbidden love with a wonderous outcome. I like how everything just really fell into place and the chemistry between the characters really just added to the story. I look forward to reading much more from this author in the future.

Review by @caraleeloonat.
View all my reviews

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