Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren

♠ ~ ♠ ~ ♠ ~ ♠ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♠ ~ ♠ ~ ♠ ~ ♠ ~
Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren
Genre – Fantasy, Adventure
Page Count – 311
Cover Designer – Scott Warren

As champion of the Goddess of Fate, Marluck had it all: fame, power, status—until his divine favor was stripped while fighting a freakish fledgling god-beast. He somehow became an Oathbreaker: a reviled fallen paladin, scorned by all. A sentence from which most never recover.

Bereft of his powers and cast down lower than the cobbles, Marluck stumbles across the Oathbreakers Guild, where other ex-holy warriors like himself meet weekly and share their woes amid cheap ale.

It helps, for a time. But when a stranger in the group whispers of four holy sites where other Oathbreakers found favor once more, Marluck is helpless to resist the siren song of renewed succor within the fold of his goddess. Together with three eccentrictic paladins of wildly different faiths—each with demons of their own—Marluck sets out on a do-or-die quest to find favor once more.

A hilarious, knockout fantasy from author of The Dragon’s Banker.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren

Scott is 35 and lives in Maryland with his wife and cat. While his career with the DoD demands he often be away from home, he’s never far from a manuscript in progress, and has even been known to steal a few pages in the back of a Blackhawk.

Scott is the author of over 10 novel-length works of science fiction and fantasy, including the economics-based adventure, The Dragon’s Banker, as well as the swash-buckling space privateers of Vick’s Vultures. His newest series, War Horses, puts a gritty new spin on big, stompy mechs in an alternate future.

Not only does Scott write, but also illustrates most of his covers!

Author Interview with Scott Warren



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