Planting Hope by Jennifer Raines – Review by Julie Johnson

Planting HopePlanting Hope by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gardens are places for healing and Mona has dedicated a portion of her land to young people who’ve been through some extremely traumatic experiences to come for healing. It’s a project she’s wanted to do for years and with the help of local professionals, she’s hoping that the program will become completely funded and acceptable.

When Mona gets sick and finds herself in the hospital, her business partner calls her grand daughter Holly to come be at her side. Kit isn’t impressed with Holly and wishes Mona hadn’t wanted her called. Afterall, she’s a party going, money hungry leech and Mona doesn’t need that right now.

What Kit doesn’t know is that he’s completely wrong about Holly. Will the program pass all the inspections with Mona unable to attend to the daily tasks? Can he figure out what Holly’s about and look past his previous preconceived notions?

This was a fun afternoon read! There were a few times I had to stop and look up a word, as the author is an Aussie and uses some terminology I’m not familiar with. However, it was minor and I learned some new words and spent an afternoon in a great book!

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