Rise of the Hunter (Blood Prophecy Series) by Barb Jones – Review by Shannon Fowler

Rise of the HunterRise of the Hunter by Barb Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The battle of Good v. Evil continues! The Tall Dark Man is the one controlling things now. The witches fear him and bow to him. However, our Queen, Amber does not!

This story, like the ones before it, jumps from different points in time and between character points of view, often and quickly. I love that, but you really have to pay attention. There are still the vampires, wolves, witches and seers battling for the good of the world. Hawaiian myths, legends and beliefs fill the pages. It is best if you read the Blood Prophecy series, 3 books, in order to best understand and follow this story. Things are revealed in this book that I didn’t know had happened since I skipped a book.

Another good start to a new series and again looking forward to going back to read what I missed and catching up to what is next!

View all my reviews

Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks

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