The Anchor Knot (The Knot Series Book #3) by DonnaLee Overly – Review by Angela Hayes

The Anchor Knot: Securing the knot of truthThe Anchor Knot: Securing the knot of truth by DonnaLee Overly
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


The Anchor Knot: Securing the Knot is the third book in the Knot series by DonnaLee Overly. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Overly, so I really wasn’t sure of what to expect from one of her stories, but the blurb promised something a little different from what I have been reading of late, so I took a chance and grabbed a copy to explore.
It is a contemporary woman’s fiction story with drama, secrets, romance, agendas, family, meddling, responsibility, ambition, pressure, challenges, doubts, choices, emotion, following your heart, and more.
This book had all the ingredients that I normally love to find in a story- but I just couldn’t connect with the characters and get invested in their story. It was slow to get going and I found it hard not to get distracted by other things as the story wasn’t holding my attention like I had hoped it would. I have been reading a lot of thrillers and darker stories of late, so I wonder if that has affected how I feel about this book. So, having said that, I have decided to revisit this book again soon for a reread to see if I still feel the same way, or if perhaps find that I was just having an ‘off’ reading day. So stay tuned…
Happy Reading…

Thank you, DonnaLee Overly!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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