Twisted Eros (Modern Mythica Book 1) by Aria Skylar – Review by Christine Baranek

Twisted Eros (Modern Mythica Book 1)Twisted Eros by Aria Skylar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Twisted Eros
By: Aria Skylar

I will say, this is not the normal book that I would pick up. As a general rule, I don’t pick up paranormal romance books. But something in this one called to me. This is a retelling of the story of Eros and Psyche. Which is something I did not pick up on when I got this book. It was slow to pick up but once it got going I really enjoyed it. I definitely haven’t read any Greek Mythology that features BDSM, but this retelling sure does. The author proved some major character development in both of the main characters – Eros and Psyche. Which I think is the best quality of the book, the character evolution. I definitely enjoyed this story.

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