Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan – Review by Ashley Mertz

Back to the 80'sBack to the 80’s by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert / Kerrie Flanagan is available now in eBook and Physical Book
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐ Book Review

Back to the 80s totally won me over! As an 80’s baby, I just had to read this book. The title and the front cover alone had me hooked. This was my first time reading a novel written by these authors and I do not regret a single moment of it. Blaine and Eric stole my heart. Blaine had such passion for her mother’s store and memorabilia. She was also quickly falling in love with Eric. She had to figure out the best way to allow both to exist in her life despite the plans Blaine’s family had for her future. I loved how sincere Eric was. He came from a rich family, and his sister was a real snob, but Eric was determined to be his own soul. I enjoyed the fact that the relationship between these two characters was genuine and not forced, it slowly progressed. The novel had a great plot and didn’t solely revolve around the romance building between the two. I highly recommend this book to all the 80s babies out there looking for a quick easy to read romance.

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