Cruel King by K.M. Scott – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Cruel KingCruel King by K.M. Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was wonderfully written. I loved the back and forth between Matthias and Ava. At times I wanted to strangle him because of his words that he would say to her, and I would feel for Ava and the pain that she felt. They both enjoyed 2 days of bliss while trapped in a snowstorm at his house. But good things must come to an end for these two. After 5 years from being away from each other and trying to forget, Ava has found happiness but then Matthias come crashing back into her world, after coming back to see his father’s last moments. Do they end up together finally, or do they keep going this path and eventually forget each other?!

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