Flowers of Evil (Hani’s Daughter Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Ayla Phipps

Flowers of Evil (Hani's Daughter Mysteries Book 1)Flowers of Evil by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ancient Egypt. Hook line and sinker. This is the first book I have read by N.L. Holmes and my oh my, I look forward to the next one. The cover pulled me in, I have been obsessed with ancient Egypt since I was about eight years old so coming across this historical mystery was a dream come true. Two of my favorite things Egypt and mystery, yes please. Immediately I loved the map of ancient Egypt, the character list and the glossary at the beginning as a refresher and to prepare me for what was to come.
Neferet and Bener-ib are sunets (doctors), while only twenty-four their credentials are great, having trained under the physician of the Royal Ornaments, and were royal physicians themselves before Neferet’s dream was given a chance. She had always wanted to offer all proper medical care. Unfortunately, they have a local rival sunu, Djed-har. Quickly after officially meeting him Neferet can piece together that he is a fraud that feels women should not be physicians and that their credentials are only in their dreams. Not being one to back down the women are determined to gain the favor of the people to come to them in times of need. Finally, a patient, while initially happy they have a patient, things turn somber and mysterious too fast. The man dies, his last words “Sekhat. Rabbit.”, confused the women are determined to find out who murdered the Bearer of the Devine Offerings. A man that made such beautiful things targeted and murdered, for a reason. But why?
Two mysteries. How to sway the people to trust them? Who killed an innocent man who made beautiful bouquets for Amen? The chills that crawled my spine at the level of details the author includes made me so excited to keep going. Not only is the mystery well thought out, but the lives of the characters are beyond relatable even if there is a stark time difference. They are everyday people in their time trying to do their best, make a living and set keep the world balanced. I must go back and read the original Hani mysteries while waiting for book two of the Hani’s Daughters Mysteries. I cannot get enough of this author’s blend of historical ancient Egypt and mystery.

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