Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Susan Ratchford

Fortune's Favorite (Soulbound Journeys #2)Fortune’s Favorite by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys book 2)
By: C.L. Schneider
Review by: Susan Ratchford
5 Stars

What secrets lie in Maldarehm? Once again C. L. Schneider gifts us with such a beautiful and vivid world where I could practically smell the seawater and hear the bustling commotion of the port! First off I fell in love with the cover. It caught my eye the minute I saw it, then seeing it was a C.L. Schneider had me sold! Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journey’s book 2) has an almost seamless transition from book 1 The Wandering Isles picking up three weeks later. Schneider creates such palpable tension between Ian and Jarryd, that really helps you feel the gravity of what they have already faced together. Fortune’s Favorite is exciting, clever, and has an intriguing mystery that will keep you flipping page’s desperate to find out what happens next! I highly suggest starting with book one The Wandering Isles to be able to truly enjoy the depth and gripping nature of C.L. Schneiders Soulbound Journeys! Her realm is nothing less than transcendent and it is so easy to believe every word she writes! I cannot wait for Schneiders next book in this captivating adventure series!

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