Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert – Review by Shelly Kittell

Granting KatelynGranting Katelyn by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Katelynn is asked to help Hugh and his owner, Grant with some equine therapy. Little did she know that she would be helping them both. Hugh, a horse, suffered an accident and she was the only one who could reach and help him. Grant, better known as “The Beast”, is an overbearing grump. He also suffered from the same accident. This story kind of made me think of Beauty and the Beast. There were a few extra villians in the story that sure made you not like them. I found myself rooting for Kate and Grant. These two had a lot of issues to get through. Kate taught that hardships can be overcome. Life can be hard but you can get through. I love this series. Elle’s story was good. Kate’s story has been lovely and heartwarming. The writing is beautiful. The characters are fantastic. The storyline is smooth with no glitches. I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to read the older sister’s story next.

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