Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leaving No Traces is Book Five in A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome Series. It is an action-packed, fast-paced, crime thriller that centers around the character of Detective Scala. In his newest case, Detective Scala is attempting to solve the mysterious circumstances around a missing woman whose car is discovered abandoned at a service station. Blood splatter on the driver’s seat indicates that the woman has been murdered and Detective Scala is determined to find her killer and bring the person to justice. As he works to unravel the clues and solve the murder, he finds himself deep in the underbelly of the criminal world where lives do not matter. Detective Scala finds himself fighting for survival against an evil villain. The ensuing story is full of action, suspense, danger, murder, intrigue, corruption, criminals, villains, and twists and turns that will keep you riveted to the very end. The storyline is multi-layered and well written, and the characters are engaging. Detective Scala will stop at nothing to solve a mystery and is ruthless in his quest for justice. I love that he follows the clues and found myself following them as well and trying to solve the murder. This book will keep you reading to the end to find out whodunit. I highly recommend this book!

View all my reviews@tarab

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