The Ring of Eagna (The Cross of Ciaran Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Jennifer reimer

The Ring of Eagna (The Cross of Ciaran #4)The Ring of Eagna by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once this author out together an amazing incredible story that I just couldn’t get enough of. I was hooked with this series right from book one and couldn’t out it down till I got thou all 4 of them. I do recommend starting from book one or you might not be able to follow the story line to well and not understand certain parts. This book like the others is filled with adventure, time travel, magic, danger, twist and turns and on the edge of your seat suspense. The history weaved into these tales was so well out and researched that this just made it more interesting. The characters are very well written in all the stories and the story line follows so well together that it made me feel like I was walking along with them on there adventure to find the ring and the conflicts that Ciaran and Aodhan face makes you winder if this will be the end.

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