The Silent Woodsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 1) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Hannah Porter

The Silent Woodsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 1)The Silent Woodsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Can you imagine finding out the guy you spent two days in a cabin with, (then start having feelings for) is a famous country star. That’s what happens in this story. This is my first time reading this author Cat Treadgold. She has created a wonderful story world that takes place in the 90s ( the best times lol). Capturing what it was like back then in great detail.(it’s crazy how far tech has come within the 20ish years). This is a slowish pace book, but it’s still a fantastic read, with passion, suspense, fame, and jealousy just to name a few. I can’t wait to read Ali’s twin brother Liam’s story(The Guardsman). I hope we get to see more of these characters.
Also the mom ughhhh.

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