Xenia Navarro and the Magic Ants by Lois Wickstrom and Milagros Darling – Review by Ashley Mertz

Xenia Navarro and the Magic AntsXenia Navarro and the Magic Ants by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Xenia Navarro and the Magical Ants by Lois Wickstrom & Milagros Darling is available now in eBook and Physical Book
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐ Book Review

Xenia Navarro and the Magical Ants is a chapter book geared towards young readers. Wickstrom and Darling do an amazing job discussing some difficult topics: deportation, living in poverty, family drama and all of the effects these situations have on children. I thoroughly enjoyed the insight to Hispanic culture and how some Spanish terminology was used throughout. Even though this book touched on many tough topics it was also filled with hope and magic allowing the reader to look forward to a positive ending. I would highly recommend this book to children approx. 3rd through 6th grade age level.

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