Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin – Review by Julie Johnson

Atonement (The McIntire County Series: #1)Atonement by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My favorite things about this book: a female Marine sniper, a retired military war dog, and an author not afraid to tackle the very difficult topic of PTSD.

This book had it’s hooks in me from the get go. There is a series of suicides happening in the small community of Eider and they all seem to be connected. It’s up the sheriff’s department, along with the feds, to try to figure this out. Nic is bound and determined that she’s going to be the one to crack this case. Her demons keep getting in the way and putting her in harm’s way too.

Eider Police Detective Con O’Hanlon (I laughed everytime I read his name even though it’s shortened…a con as a police detective) may be the only thing that can stand in the line of fire when these demons come back to haunt Nic. She’s got to be willing to let him in to do that though!

Very well written story that has your turning pages as quickly as possible, yet also not wanting the story to end!

View all my reviews

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