Cruel Hate (Hidden Valley Elite Book 5) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Robin Rankin

Cruel Hate: A College Sports Romance (Hidden Valley Elite #5)Cruel Hate: A College Sports Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isla Vaughn

Cruel Hate: A Dark College Sports Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 5)

I am so completely and totally obsessed with this series. I’m not sure why I am as deep as I am, but want more and I count the days until the next book releases. If you haven’t read at the very least Cruel Start then stop here and go read that first, it’s the prelude to this book. But I recommend starting with the very first book Savage Start, you can thank me later.

Phoenix needs to learn to trust people outside of his brother and cousins. I think if he let go some of what’s bothering him he wouldn’t be as angry and that would go a long way.

So many things happen in this book and we learn a little more about Phoenix, his grandfather and rest of his immediate family not including Damon and Cole. I could not put this book down and thankfully I had a nice long weekend so I could stay up late reading.

This book ends on a cliffhanger which usually bothers me but not in this instance because I know when I will have the next book in my kindle and ready to read.

View all my reviews

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