Heart’s Rescue (Fallen Hearts) by Meredith Hart – Review by Emily H

Heart's Rescue (Hearts Below, #1)Heart’s Rescue by Meredith Hart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lady Arryn Damoira of the Kingdom of the Summer is devasted when her brother is hurt. She knows she is supposed to fill a role of duty but finds herself working with Rowan, a sentry who knows he is no match for Arryn but wants her all the same. Danger lurks as they journey together to find the prince she is supposed to in theory be betrothed to. What happens when feelings get involved though and they cannot deny the chemistry between them?

This was quite the adventure. Had a lot of twists and turns and filled with a fantasy realm that was easy to envision. I enjoyed this quite a bit, had a good mixture of romance added in. I would pick up the next book in the series.

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