The Secrets of Arkaim (The Reeds of West Hills) by B. E. Padgett – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Secrets of Arkaim (The Reeds of West Hills #2)The Secrets of Arkaim by B.E. Padgett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Secrets of Arkaim is the second book in the middle grade fantasy series The Reeds of West Hills. It is a YA story that is fun and engaging. It is a kid’s fantasy series aimed at teens aged 9 to 12 years. If you love Harry Potteresque books you will love this.
I really liked the first book and the adventure the twins and eclectic group of friends find themselves in.
Frank and Jon Reed continue to learn about their powers they once again find themselves in trouble not of their making. They very much want to participate in the Zodiac Games, but they find themselves in a race against time to stop a shadowy figure from causing mayhem.
What secrets are there at the West Hills School?
If you love magical tales, then you will enjoy this one.
The race is on!

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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