Liar, Liar (The McIntire County Series Book 4) by Winter Austin – Review by Shelly Kittell

Liar, Liar (The McIntire County Series: #4)Liar, Liar by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness, I have changed my mind, all the books in this series are my favorites. This is Shane and Liza’s story. Shane is the Sheriff and this is the craziest case yet. The adventures that come out of this case of figuring out who took out Gene Avery is wild. Liza Bartholomew is Boyce’s ex-FBI partner come back on a secret mission. The twists and turns, you just don’t see it coming. The characters in this town are crazy. Kind of like Mayberry gone wild. I loved seeing some of the ones from the past books come back into the story. I wish this series could just go one. I have a feeling McIntire County has many more secrets. I have enjoyed watching Shane and Liza’s romance develop. These two are a pair I didn’t quite see coming. They both had issues to work through. I have enjoyed this book. This whole series is so full of action, you just can’t go wrong. It’s the best series I’ve read this year.

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