The Podcast Chronicles by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Kerry Carr

The Podcast ChroniclesThe Podcast Chronicles by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really enjoyable women’s Fiction read. This story had me captivated from the beginning. I really felt for our leading lady Sue. With her children growing up and leaving home she is left with “empty nest syndrome ” she finds herself questioning her worth and wondering what she has left now her children have left. She is so used to playing the role of mother and wife that without being a mother she now feels lost and without purpose.
That is until she sees that a developer is wanting to build a theme park in her little village. Sue has now found something that she is passionate about again and that is stopping the theme park being built. As we follow this story we see Sue regain her passion and drive as she starts a podcast to get the community to come together against the developer. However it’s not that simple, with political opposition, the developers money and a troll, how can Sue stand against such forces who are determined to ruin her village.
Does Sue stand any chance of stopping the theme park being built? With all her energy and effort being focused on this mission what is the effect going to be on her family?

This story really spoke to me as my own child is getting older and I know I will find myself in a similar position that Sue is in and will need to find something to fill the gap that being a mum makes. I was inspired by her fight and determination to stand up for something she believes in and not to back down no matter the odds against her.

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