You and Me Equals Love by Marina Hanna – Review by Lisa Helmick

You and Me Equals LoveYou and Me Equals Love by Marina Hanna
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is the story of both one but two women and their men. This is a case of best friends, dating best friends. I can’t even say whose story I like better as they were both equally well done. Well, the story is good but I wasn’t a huge fan of the execution. It does a lot of bouncing around from past to present. I think the story would’ve been as equally powerful, just starting in the past and working your way to the present and current situations. I have read this author’s stories before, and always enjoy them. This one just seems to be a one off for me. Overall, it’s an entertaining story about a couple girls who find their guy and hopefully a forever after.

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