Grave Digger Academy IV (Grave Digger Academy Series Book #4) by C.A. King

Grave Digger Academy IVGrave Digger Academy IV by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


“The first new teacher of the year reared his ugly face. Mr. Ogre looked much the same as storybooks described a male of the fantasy species his name implied. Inhumanly sized both in height and weight. Check. A disproportionately large head. Check. An abundant amount of greasy hair, a fat, round nose, thick eyebrows, and protruding lower jaw. Check, check, check, and check. Of course, he could have been a Neanderthal. Somehow she doubted her new teacher was the missing link to anything though. An actual ogre was more likely, especially given the stench which accompanied him. Curdled milk. Yuck! A growl accompanied a loud belch. “Take your seats. Ahem.” He tugged at the loose skin on his neck. “Ahem. You.” He pointed with a fat finger at a girl in the front row of seats. “Fetch me some water.” A second belch blew her hair straight back. “Quickly.” The girl did as requested. Anyone in the class would have. They all knew what came after burps like that. Stinky gas was one thing. Vomit was another. There’d be a crowd in the sick room if their teacher upchucked on all his students.”


Grave Digger Academy IV is the fourth engrossing story in the Grave Digger Academy series by the talented C.A. King. It follows on from the previous three Grave Digger Academy stories and continues the adventures of Makayla and all the intriguing events at the mysterious Grave Digger Academy.
As we previously discovered, Makayla didn’t really want to attend Grave Digger Academy, at all, but has since had plenty of intriguing and testing adventures. There’s always more to Grave Digger Academy than expected. And in this instalment, Makayla will face some big changes, and more challenges, while also unearthing a few discoveries – about her world, the Academy, and herself – along the way. Welcome to the fourth year of Grave Digger Academy!
As expected, this is a wonderful addition to the series, and with the rest of the series- it is a superbly crafted paranormal fantasy with plenty of adventure, action, mystery, magic, the supernatural, wonderful quirky characters, dramatic developments, tension, intrigue, danger, and clever twists and turns.
Although this is a short story, it has the impact of a much longer novel- which I love. I can’t wait for more. Bring on Book #5!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, C.A King!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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