Grave Digger Academy IV (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King Jenni Bishop

Grave Digger Academy IVGrave Digger Academy IV by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Grave Digger Academy IV by C.A. King is another fantastic YA paranormal fantasy in the light-hearted Grave Digger Academy series. This book carries on from the other three, so I suggest you read them all in order or you are missing out on so much goodness.
This adventurous tale flows well with great world-building, and a set of delightful characters. The series is a complex multi layered tale that is simplistic in its telling. This delightful world is to be peeled back layer by layer and reveal all its secrets.
Each book gets better than the last and the world is unique and original. The plot is well thought out and is an exciting and the Academy is full of secrets where things are hidden within the grounds and in the dark and go bump in the night.
Makayla is back for another year with a new headmistress, new curriculum, disappearing allies, worrying Crones and lots more. But they may not be the answers she wants to hear. Things are never as they seem in Makayla’s world. Grave Digger Academy is where you will find witches, death, graves, deadly foes, deadly secrets, deadly games, twisted turns and mayhem and madness.
Journey along as Makayla is determined to find answers. Even though it is aimed at YA readers I am certainly enjoying this series and I am 61.
I can’t wait for more.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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