Grave Digger Academy IV (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Review by Kerry Baker

Grave Digger Academy IVGrave Digger Academy IV by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the previous book in this series, I could not wait to read the next and jumped straight into the story. It picks up soon after the last one finished and it was so easy to reconnect with the characters. Each story in the series just gets better and better and I always seem to fly through the stories. This book being no exception.
I love how original and refreshing this series still is to read. Even after four books it doesn’t feel like it is getting old or boring. The book is exciting to read and I had to read it all in one go to find out what would happen. This is a great book, a great series and one of my favourite authors. I would highly recommend all of their work to any fan of this genre.

View all my reviews

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