Grave Digger Academy IV (Grave Digger Academy Series) by C.A. King – Reviewed by Helen Dawkins

Grave Digger Academy IVGrave Digger Academy IV by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this series! This is book 4, and while I loved the book, I felt there was very limited information on what New has happened.

Usually, C.A. King can write a 100-150 page book, and I feel like I’ve read an intense amount of details, but this book felt as if it was rushed and thrown together. Even with that said, it wasn’t a bad read, just very, very short and not a lot of details.

The Crones are out in full force again. This time, who can she trust? Anyone? This year, she isn’t even allowed to have her helpers! She is being watched at every turn and of course the person she turns to is the one person everyone forgets about meeting immediately. I feel a romance brewing there 👀.

Now that she has chosen to exile herself to a grave yard no one even knows exists, will she have the opportunity to change the magic world for the better? Will she uncover more nasty truths the Crones have made disappear?

Cannot wait for book 5!

View all my reviews

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