Necromancy the Musical by Debbie Hibbert – Review by Brandy Rymer

Necromancy the MusicalNecromancy the Musical by Debbie Hibbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was most definitely one of a kind, I absolutely loved it! Never have I read a story so intriguing that it had me questioning my beliefs in ghosts, and what life is like after people pass along to the other side. Debbie Hibbert is an amazing author who truly brought a whole new meaning to necromancy, taking something so dark and eerie and making it so cool and interesting. I love that our main character is a teen whose dad not only works investigating murders but brings his daughter to work with him in the morgue to help solve the crimes that he is working on, brings a whole new meaning to bringing your kid to work day. There are so many hilarious scenes in this book that just bring back fond memories of days long past, thank goodness we never have to relive our teen years in this day and age. The characters are so exceptionally developed, each having their own special characteristics that make them their own kind of person. I loved that CeCe, our main character, has pink hair and looks like such a punk rocker, yet she has a personality that portrays her as more of a shy type. Whereas her best friend is so outgoing and loves to be her own kind of fashionista, always looking her best, and having fun doing it. This book is like a cross between a mystery book, and a summer musical camp, it is such a great read. I cannot wait to see if there are going to be more books to come for our illustrious CeCe and her friends.
@Brandy Rymer

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