Rise of the Y: A YA Post Apocalyptic Dystopian by Angela D. Shelton – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Rise of the YRise of the Y by Angela D. Shelton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lexi is a young woman of seventeen who lives with her parents and maternal grandparents in the Administration building in the Imperium, a place where order is maintained by a ruling class with a lot of very stringent rules. On her seventeenth birthday, Lexi is to take the mandatory aptitude test and be given her final career, as well as her new living quarters and the name of her mate after a few days.

Lexi has dreams of working anywhere but where her parents do and she has a plan of how she is going to get there, but as with some plans, this one doesn’t quite work out the way she hoped, but she isn’t mad, however, her father is. As she prepares to forge her own path, tragedy strikes and she loses nearly everything and what she doesn’t lose directly, she loses later on, but instead she finds a family secret, links to a rebellious faction called the Y and this calls to the rebel in her and she has to find out more.

This is where Lexi begins to tread a dangerous path, in public, she is a pure example of the Imperium, working hard at her job, getting married, living with her mate and hopefully having the big family the Imperium dreams of, however, in the shadows, she becomes further engaged in the under the radar workings of Y.

Can Lexi continue to live this double life and work out who in the tangled web of her life she can trust, or will she bring tragedy down on herself and those around her? This is an unpredictable story of loyalty and rebellion, where trust is hard to find and loyalty even harder, as danger watches from the shadows while foundations crumble below a totalitarian society in danger of falling into the worst nightmare of their own creation.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

View all my reviews

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