Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series Book 4) by C.R. Alam – Review by Christine Baranek

Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series, #4)Dangerous Rhythm by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dangerous Rhythm
By: C.R. Alam

This is a fantastic addition to the Echo Series. In this story, we see Curtis who has run into some trouble and needs protection. He also happens to be the guitarist of a famous band. Lina happens to work for private security now, but has a military past. Lina and Curtis have some chemistry between them so when they have to flee together it makes their chemistry become hard to deny. But they both have issues that will keep them from acting on it.
This author does a fantastic job in developing the characters and making the suspense and tension completely palpable. Curtis becomes a much more realistic and likable character and I enjoyed watching Lina soften up around Curtis. The chemistry between them jumps off the page and the author pairs this with fantastic suspense. I definitely recommend picking this book up!

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